Thanks for reading the article Tony...the mag is being re done but i think it will be ready soon ..will post details on my blog when it is ready..."watch this space " lol you want to download a trial of the software and give it a try..its ok I think you'd like it...
Interesting article - I find it interesting reading about other artists, your cartoons really work well with editorial stuff ! - As for artrage it's great I have it and a few others but I am too lazy to sit and learn it, every time I try a new app I end up going back to trusty Photoshop !!!
nicely done Tony..
Thanks John be interesting to see if he thinks so lol - btw that ezine article was very interesting when is it published ?
Thanks for reading the article Tony...the mag is being re done but i think it will be ready soon ..will post details on my blog when it is ready..."watch this space " lol
you want to download a trial of the software and give it a try..its ok I think you'd like it...
Interesting article - I find it interesting reading about other artists, your cartoons really work well with editorial stuff ! - As for artrage it's great I have it and a few others but I am too lazy to sit and learn it, every time I try a new app I end up going back to trusty Photoshop !!!
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